Hilton Head & Savannah NWR, South Carolina 2/8-13/16

All photos are © Marshall Faintich

February 12

The weather forecast was for off and on rain all day, so I stayed close to the hotel on Hilton Head. As it turns out, it was cloudy most of the day, but I only got three drops of rain on my windshield as I parked my car at the end of the day. I went first to the Pinckney Island NWR. There are miles of trails there that lead to several ponds, but it turned out that the best pond was the closest to the parking lot, and all the miles I hiked after that didn't produce very many birds, other than some woodland species. As I approached the first pond, I heard a Marsh Wren, but couldn't see it.

Common Gallinule

Common Gallinules

Common Gallinules

Hermit Thrush

Common Yellowthroat

Northern Cardinal

Yellow-rumped Warbler


In the afternoon, I went back to Fish Haul Park, but didn't see much, so I drove a short distance to the Mitchelville Beach Park. When the tide is low, there is more than 100 yards of wet, muddy sand for shorebirds. I saw quite a few of them there, including a large flock of Black Skimmers.

Marbled Godwit and Willet

Marbled Godwit and Short-billed Dowitchers

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